Friday 4 February 2022

Book Review: Blood and Brown Sugar

LA Nolan's book captures different phases of a person's life both on a physical and mental level. It has two different journeys, one is of the protagonist in the society and the other is within himself as he discovers his nature and traits.
The readers join the author on this journey as have an experience of learning, revelation and enlightenment.
This book would be enjoyed by all those who want to read some fresh and new content.

Friday 10 September 2021

Book Review: Signposts

"Singnposts: Life Simplified in 100 Quotes" by Tapan Ghosh is a product of the author's life and the experiences he has acquired. Keeping his content simple and quick to be read, the book becomes an important bedside book which can be read to feel both positive and continue with the learning of life. The book instills the readers with hope and learning and also ensures that they keep on reading it again and again. Since the book is a product of the author's experience in one-liners or two, it can be read by all readers, and even non-readers.

Buy it on

Thursday 26 August 2021

Book Review: What is present reality?

Title of book- What Is Present Reality: In A Nutshell
Written by- Vipin Gupta
Rating- 4/5

This book is for those people who have good understanding about physics and mathematics. As I am an engineering student so, I choose to pick this book. In this book, author explain reality of life in comprehension of maths and physics.

Book is good but different to understand in one read. Language of book is not so easy. Book cover is relatable. Author explain each portion of book in very well mannered.

I personally recommend you to read this book if you are also a science fact lover and have curious feeling about scientific facts.

Book Review: Is Present Reality

Title of book- Is Present Reality: In A Nutshell
Written by- Vipin Gupta
Rating- 4/5

This book covers non fiction matter. The author explain multidimensional entity. This books tell what is present reality and the question related to it. This book is a long read of 318 page and little bit boring. Overall the book is good with lots of knowledge. Language of book is easy to difficult. Book cover is relatable. I personally recommend you to read this book. You will get to know some new knowledge about the facts of present reality.

Monday 23 August 2021

Book Review: What is Para-Consciousness?

Title of book- What Is Consciousness: The Factor Creating the Law of Limitation
Written by- Vipin Gupta
Rating- 4/5

This book is based on science and psychology. As we know that our conscious mind make us attention. Author explain conscious mind and how its work in different situations. 

Overall I love to read this book. Author make good effort to write this amazing stuff. Book language is easy to understand. Book cover is relatable and decent.

I personally recommend you to read this book. You will feel interest till the end. You also get to know about how conscious mind works.

Book Review: What is Consciousness

Title of book- What Is Consciousness: The Factor Creating the Law of Limitation
Written by- Vipin Gupta
Rating- 4/5

This book is based on science and psychology. As we know that our conscious mind make us attention. Author explain conscious mind and how its work in different situations. 

Overall I love to read this book. Author make good effort to write this amazing stuff. Book language is easy to understand. Book cover is relatable and decent.

I personally recommend you to read this book. You will feel interest till the end. You also get to know about how conscious mind works.

Saturday 21 August 2021

Book Review: What is Divine Energy

Title of book- What Is Divine Energy: In A Nutshell
Written by- Vipin Gupta
Rating- 4/5

This book is based on the topic divine energy. In beginning, author explain about the term i.e what is divine energy? In proceeding chapter he talks about sources of divine energy. Then in further chapter he tells about how its work. This book is consist of sixteen chapter. This is a long read but topic is fasinating.

I love to read this book. Book language is easy to understand. Book cover is relatable and decent. Author explain each portion in a systematic way.

I personally recommend you to read this book. You will also get to know about the power and how its work.